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오라클 - 질의문을 이용한 책 추천 시스템 풀이


** 추천시스템과 관련한 것

고객번호 6번에게 어떤 책을 추천 해야 할까?

1) 6번 고객이 구매한 도서목록 출력

select bookid from orders where custid = 6; //A

2) A책을 구매한 회원의 아이디와 구매권수를 출력

select custid, count(bookid) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (A) 

and custid != 6 

group by custid;

select custid, count(bookid) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid; // B

3) B 중에 cnt가 가장 높은값

select max(count(bookid)) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid; // max

4) B 중에 B의 cnt가 max인 custid를 검색

select custid from (B) 

where cnt = (max);

select custid from (select custid, count(bookid) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid

where cnt = (select max(count(bookid)) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid); // R

5) R이 구매한 도서 목록 minus 6번 고객이 구매한 도서목록

select bookid from orders 

where custid = (R) 

minus select bookid from orders 

where custid = 6;

select bookid from orders 

where custid = (select custid from (select custid, count(bookid) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid

where cnt = (select max(count(bookid)) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid)

minus select bookid from orders 

where custid = 6; // C

6) A의 책이름 출력(최종질의문)

select bookname from book where bookid = (C);

select bookname from book where bookid = (select bookid from orders 

where custid = (select custid from (select custid, count(bookid) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid

where cnt = (select max(count(bookid)) cnt 

from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6)

and custid != 6 

group by custid)

minus select bookid from orders 

where custid = 6);


1) 6번 고객과 동일한 도서를 가장 많이 구매한 고객의 id를 검색

select bookid from orders where custid = 6; //B

select distinct custid from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6

and custid != 6;

권수가 가장 많이 겹치는 사람

select max(custid) from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6

and custid != 6;

권수가 가장 많이 겹치는 사람의 도서목록 뽑고

select bookid from orders 

where custid in (select max(custid) from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from orders where custid = 6

and custid != 6);

6번 고객이 구매한 것을 빼서 추천도서가 나오도록 함 //A


1) 모든도서 minus 내가 구매한 도서 

select bookid from book 


select bookid from orders where custid = 1; // A

2) A도서의 도서별 구매건수


select bookid, count(saleprice) from orders 

where bookid in (A) 

group by bookid 

order by cnt desc;


select bookid, count(saleprice) cnt from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from book 


select bookid from orders where custid = 1

group by bookid

order by cnt desc;  // B

3) B에 행번호를 붙인다.


select rownum, bookid, cnt from (B);


select rownum, bookid, cnt from (select bookid, count(saleprice) cnt from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from book 


select bookid from orders where custid = 1

group by bookid

order by cnt desc); // C

4) 행번호가 3이하 인것 추출


select bookid from (C) where rownum <= 3;


select bookid from (select rownum, bookid, cnt from (select bookid, count(saleprice) cnt from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from book 


select bookid from orders where custid = 1

group by bookid

order by cnt desc)) where rownum <= 3; // D

5) 책번호가 D에 해당하는 모든책 검색
(D 에서 bookid과 비교할 bookid를 제외한 rownum과 cnt를 지워준다.)


select * from book where bookid in (D);


select * from book where bookid in (select bookid from (select bookid from (select bookid, count(saleprice) cnt from orders 

where bookid in (select bookid from book 


select bookid from orders where custid = 1

group by bookid

order by cnt desc)) where rownum <= 3);
